Improving performance and protecting brand or reputation is a challenge for all organisations. Yet for many organisations, progress towards optimal performance is hampered by global megatrends, waves of external social, economic and environmental changes that have no precedent, or may not have a clear solution.
While all organisations must grapple with these issues, few manage to master them fully and indeed, will ultimately be defined by how they respond. Today, organisations can no longer rely on the old ways of creating and, particularly, executing strategy.
And this is where Regenerative Intelligence can help.
Major business opportunities lie in Regenerative Intelligence, a commercially-focused corporate development program where market issues are integrated with non-market issues.
As the next step beyond emotional intelligence, David offers facilitated in-house training modules and follow-up coaching to ensure that learnings are embedded into day-to-day practices. This convergence of strategy and social, environmental and economic sustainability – considering the needs of your customers and key stakeholders – has the power to transform your organisation’s performance by better harnessing value creation, reputational capital, innovation and employee branding, as well as giving an inimitable competitive advantage.
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